Jun 15Liked by Pirate Studebaker

Just a note, a thought or two, nothing specific, just thinking of you and still 'processing' these articles to the best of my little gray cells' ability. I keep wondering how you are doing, are you still free from harm?

Do not feel compelled to answer, only if you are up to it. You could reply at any time, or not, or privately or in a cryptic way in your next post #4! Every time I hear/read someone mention "Idiocracy" (I have never watched it as I told pop culture to pound sand decades ago) I think of your words. I also think of that picture (stock photo?) of that fainting couch in this post. You call it hideous, I call it a vintage collectable I wish I had room for!

And I have so many other fleeting thoughts as I ponder little Pirate (wish I had ANY model) Studebaker.

Here's a rose:


Be well, I hope you have a good weekend - and God bless.


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Your comments are well appreciated, Friend. I'm doing fine. The harassment has abated for now and maybe forever. Who can say?

Thank you for the lovely flower. One I've never seen before. I hope you have a good weekend as well.

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Jun 11Liked by Pirate Studebaker

"People parking outside my house and staring."

What do you think would happen if you posted a picture of them on Substack?

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IDK, but I'm not sure I want to find out.

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Jun 12Liked by Pirate Studebaker

Frightening for sure. Stay strapped. I, on the other hand, am a 275lb dude who doesn't mind confronting people like that and crack their heads. Get evidence at least. God bless you girl. 🙏

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Thank you, Dave. It is momentarily scary because it's a surprise, like when I discovered my poor cat, but believe it or not, I've been through this before and so have others. Seems insane "They" would put any effort into trying to stop me from writing articles on Substack and yet they are. That is how frightened "They" are.

"They" are hoping I'll react in some way the police can be called and establish ME as the looney. So, I don't confront them. Many others have tried and it just establishes a pattern of mental illness leaning to violence that can be used in ways I'm sure you can imagine.

So, I do stare back at them and they do leave. The cat's death is something unusual, but I think it was meant to stop me in my tracks and it didn't work. I wrote the next article anyway. This one.

Now, I don't see any activity around my house. I think they have stopped for now. That is also a common tactic they use. To freak you out and make you think you're imagining things. It doesn't do any good to document them as far as I know. If I did and took my photos to the police, again, it would just look like I was unstable.

There have been famous cases of this very thing happening. A man who was a lifelong friend of Ernest Hemingway who had believed Hemingway was only paranoid when he said the US Intelligence Agencies were making his life a hellscape, found documentation that the FBI, etc., had indeed persecuted Hemingway in the most surreptitious of ways. They alienated everyone around Hemingway from him, ruined him publicly and financially and then he "supposedly" "suicided" himself. The man wrote an article about it that I read several years ago. Not much attention was paid as you might imagine.

Why did "They" do this to Hemingway? Because he was a great writer with an audience who had seen and knew a great deal about the workings of black ops in US Intelligence, especially in Cuba. They were afraid of him telling what he knew in a format that would bring light to what he was saying verbally in conversations with people.

The systemic campaign to destroy Hemingway's life ended in success when he shot himself in the head. Or did he?

I wrote about what's happening to me not because I'm afraid, they have done worse and it's happened before, but to illustrate why people don't tell what they know and what happens if they do.

This world is insane.

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Jun 11Liked by Pirate Studebaker


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Thank you, Jean.

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Jun 10Liked by Pirate Studebaker


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Jun 9Liked by Pirate Studebaker

“Because the eyes of the Lord are upon the just, and his ears unto their prayers: but the countenance of the Lord upon them that do evil things.  And who is he that can hurt you, if you be zealous of good?  But if also you suffer any thing for justice' sake, blessed are ye. And be not afraid of their fear, and be not troubled.”  — 1st Epistle of St Peter 3:12 - 14

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"And be not afraid of THEIR fear and be not troubled".

Thank you so much for your kind words. This scripture needs to be written on my walls. Maybe I'll do just that.

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I thought that was the best part of the verse too. Those who do the most harm, who are the most brutal … they are always the most fearful, more fearful than even their victims. I try to pray for them, but it does not come easy :)

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So sorry for your loss of poor little Blue. Demons will demon. Another profoundly beautiful post. Thank you so much. xo ❤️

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Completely devastated to hear about the cat. I actually broke down and started crying which I never do anymore. All I can say is it's obvious you're doing the right thing in exposing the kind of people that would do something like that. Time is ticking away and these people are going to realize they have been used and have dug their own graves when it's too late.

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I thank you and Blue thanks you for your tears. That somehow makes my sadness easier to carry. I'm better today.

I hesitated writing the part about what they're doing to intimidate me, but I think it's right to help everyone understand these kinds of things are done to make people shut up or never speak to begin with. So many people say, "Why didn't you just tell somebody?"

As you know, they use many forms of physical and psychological harm to stop exposure of themselves.

And, you're right, they are the kind of people who are pawns and nothing more. They will see someday just how disposable they truly are. It will come much too late.

I thank God I'm under His wing. No matter what.

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Just keep on being brave and telling your truth. Do it for you, Blue and everyone else these people ever intimidated, harmed or killed. I think I would invest in surveillance cameras if you haven’t already. I would have it where anything they do is going to be on video and they know it. Put the cameras where they record every car that is parked or approaches your place and every person who sets foot there. If there are people parked out there go out and stick a camera in their face. These people are essentially cowards and they know it as well as you do.

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All great suggestions. Thank you. I'll start doing these things.

When I see them sitting outside, I go out and stare back and say loud enough for them to hear - I'm not afraid of you.

I think of Jesus silently staring down Herod and Pontius Pilate with the power God gives me. Not that I have the same abilities as Jesus, but I am His sister.

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Jun 9Liked by Pirate Studebaker

Onward and upward.

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Jun 9Liked by Pirate Studebaker

I'm sorry the horrors you've had to bear generationally and now with your poor cat. So sorry.

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Thank you, Petra. The horrors of my family are a micorcosm of the horrors that go on everyday in so many people's lives.

I was doing some research on Vietnam and the bombing of Cambodia and Laos. It's revolting what the US did. Because our then President Nixon wanted to "impress" upon the North Vietnamese that he was a "madman" (Nixon's own words) who would stop at nothing by carpet bombing and murdering over half a million innocent civilians. AND throwing both countries into chaos and poverty for decades.

The practices of generational abuse are what condition us a people to accept horror. Until we also accept these horrors are going on in our own house or at our neighbor's house, we will never stop perpetrating horrors against other people. We will spend all our time and energy hiding it from ourselves instead of curing it.

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Interesting link.

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Jun 9Liked by Pirate Studebaker

I was outside about an hour ago, sitting by the side of the house on a landscape feature praying for you, a list of others and for humanity at large I suppose so I should not be surprised to find your writings in my inbox. This was an amazing post. Thanks for your bravery. I, too, have come to put fear aside and simply do what needs to be done, say what needs to be said. I cannot imagine the stakes being any higher at the moment. I cannot imagine being any more unpopular than I am currently, too…but the only time I was popular was when I was doing the wrong thing so C’est La vie. You are quite amazing.

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I agree with everything you've said. You understand why I'm doing this and I so appreciate it. It's not for sympathy. It's to be a s clear-eyed as possible because, I, too, believe the stakes are so high, many will lose it all.

I agree with losing the popularity contest. Even my neighbors are becoming avoidant because of the weird activity around me. That's fine with me.

Thank you so much for your prayers. It means a great deal to me that you include me in yours. You are in mine as well. As Jesus said, once we are in His hands, no one can snatch us away. HA!

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For whatever reason, my ‘like’ button doesn’t work. I did not think it was for sympathy. The same applies when I share what I know of that oh so special group/class of people. The predator class, the class I come from, will take everything from regular people. I believe I understand your intentions. You are brave because I also understand the subsequent weird stuff that happens as a result of telling the truth or leaving that class…or as I stated on court record, “the folks who put the ASS in class”. I think it is meant to keep us isolated, too. Scare off people around us and it is highly effective in most cases. I can say that without protection from Jesus, I would surely not be living so I know you are protected. A whole lot of outside prayer will never hurt, though :) Good job, friend.

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Jun 9Liked by Pirate Studebaker

Wow! I'm from a perv narc family myself, with nasty eugenic stuff suspected. I also have suspicions several of my siblings are CIA related. I moved to another continent when I was in my 20s. It's better being the black sheep than becoming like them. It's very strange because I remember my younger sister being a very kind person. She's become so mean and ... soulless.

I'm profoundly touched by your writing. I can't become a contributing supporter yet, but will try to when I figure out where I settle now that WW3 is underway in Europe.

Thank you. Your story helps me see my story. Blessings.

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Jun 9Liked by Pirate Studebaker

“It is better being the black sheep than becoming like them”. Agreed. The last time I saw a member of my family, one looked like Jack Nicholson in The Shining. I am not exaggerating in the least. It scared the hell out of me. I was not one prone to believing in possession or demonic activity until I saw that. I have since reversed my opinion. I have no other logical explanation. So when you say “soulless”, I now believe you are onto something valid.

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I'm so glad you can see your own story in my story. That is the point.

And that you escaped their clutches. I have siblings as well that I suspect are involved much deeper than I ever wanted to see. A younger brother that is exactly as you describe you sister.

I didn't know it was that bad in Europe now. It's so sad what we're all going through. I'm hoping people will understand we didn't get where we are simply because a few baddies are evil, but because we just kept buying the bullshyte for so many years we have arrived at our destination.

It may help people to make better decisions and see more clearly to make those decision because there are going to be increasingly difficult ones coming.

God Bless you in your search for a safe haven. I'll pray you find one and soon.

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