Jul 3·edited Jul 3Liked by Pirate Studebaker

Thank you for sharing. It doesn't shock me in the slightest, almost a relief to read? Sorry if that sounds horrible. Exposing this stuff feels like it takes away its power. If I had a story to tell, I would also. Reading your is sort of a vicarious release.

I had the opposite experience in my childhood. My mum put as much distance between us as possible, she would barely look me in the eye. One time she informed me of a death in the family. There must have been 3-4 meters distance between us, and she said it like an after thought. When I got my period, she couldn't leave the room fast enough. My mum would often say I looked like nobody owned me (like a street kid).

I don't remember much from my childhood, but I remember always being scared I was pregnant.

I remember being deeply afraid of getting my period for the first time.

I remember always planning my escape, running away. Even now I sleep with my back to the wall or sit in room with my back to the wall.

I could read and write at a young age, spectacular memory, keen sense of sound / sight / smell, very tiny for my age (all my siblings are much bigger than me), incredible sense of balance, flexible, could 'sing like an angel' etc.

But, no endurance.

I have face blindness, and struggle with names.

And although I have a deep empathy and sense for things in people, I don't have the 'people skills' to know how to deal with what I feel.

Around 11 years old my failing health reached a point of downward spiral.

I got too sick to be useful I guess. If this was something I experienced, I must 'washed out' of whatever the training program was. Too 'weak' to continue.

I have scattered memories starting around 11, but my memory in general is fried.

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It definitely takes away it's power and exposes it as just pitiful. What people do to one another and believe they have to do it for the most insane of reasons.

Everytime I write another article a piece is chipped away. Like a marble block being shaped into what I hope will be seen as something beautiful in the end. Like a sculpture. Though not some modern atrocity. Something very human.

(We don't have a good word for who we are. I don't like "human" or "mankind" or "homosapien". God's Children is closest for me, but that's two words...)

I love your stories. You have stories. You're telling them. Please keep telling them.

I have a picture of you in mind from your stories. Your relationship with your mother is so evocative the way you tell it. I can see her *unfortunately) rejecting and distancing you from her. That must have been hard. No wonder you watch your back.

They do seek to fry memories in a personal sense while training the child to have an excellent memory in an objective sense. This is compartmentalizing or disassociation.

I have the same issues with memory. There are some things that are just entirely blank while I can recall tons of information from books, etc. Or used to. Some things I can recall one segment in crystal clarity but no context. I'll go into that more .

I am so glad you're here and no, your relief isn't horrible to me in the slightest. It's healthy I think. I feel it from telling the story. For me it's the tension of holding the pain and fear finally leaving me. I'm sleeping deeply and soundly for the first time in my life. I never felt safe enough to let myself fall deeply asleep before. Now I can. I had no idea how wonderful sleep can be.

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Jul 4Liked by Pirate Studebaker

Pitiful is the correct word.

"Like a marble block being shaped into what I hope will be seen as something beautiful in the end. Like a sculpture."

You certainly have a way with words. I know what you mean.

"I love your stories. You have stories. You're telling them. Please keep telling them."

Thank you for your kindness :)

An odd question, do you find people trust you? I'm still stunned that even though I can't pull off 'fitting in', I tend to blurt out truths or observations people aren't ready to hear, yet people still trust me near instantly. They tell me their life story. I suppose you do experience that too. Here I am, doing what others do when they meet me.

"rejecting and distancing you from her. That must have been hard. No wonder you watch your back."

She moved heaven and earth for my siblings, but literally stepped over me when I was suffering on the floor. I understand she couldn't face whatever it was that was happening, she must have been aware of it to some degree. I suspect my husbands mother was part of this world too, her eyes gave her away. She (and her husband) escaped their country when my husband was a toddler, he had a normal childhood here.

"I have the same issues with memory. There are some things that are just entirely blank while I can recall tons of information from books, etc. Or used to."

I was good with factual information too, at least I used to be. I was a 'walking encyclopedia' growing up.

Did you memorise song lyrics? That was/is an obsession for me.

"For me it's the tension of holding the pain and fear finally leaving me. I'm sleeping deeply and soundly for the first time in my life. I never felt safe enough to let myself fall deeply asleep before. Now I can. I had no idea how wonderful sleep can be."

I'm so happy for you! That sounds like such a wonderful experience :)

I told my husband about things that have come up for me since reading your substack. I'd kept it from him previously as I wasn't ready to find a way to express it. He knew the theme of my childhood, and got a glimpse at some darker layers, but I'd kept it vague. He's fiercely protective, this stuff is hard for him to hear. He's a 'normie', so he has no frame of reference either.

Your writing helps me feel less alone, and less afraid, thank you :)

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Jul 3·edited Jul 3Liked by Pirate Studebaker

Just more illuminating every time. Thank you so very much ❤️ My heart is with you all the way dear Pirate. xo

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Thank you, Zoe. Blessings.

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Jul 3Liked by Pirate Studebaker

Thank you so much Pirate for your testimony. It is truly horrifying and I am so sorry you had to experience this.

This evil extends even into families who don't realize they are affected by it. My dad's mom was Freemason, Eastern Star. She was born in England and came to Canada at four years of age. Her father was a major Mason leader. She married my grandad who returned wounded from France during the first world war. He was just a kid 18 or 19 years of age. He had a ruptured spleen from the shell that nearly killed him that was never diagnosed. He worked very physically as one of the first park rangers out in Yoho Parks, BC, Canada. They named a ridge after him. He was in and out of mental hospitals and receiving electro shock therapy. He finally took his life at around age 60. I still remember my dad receiving the phone call from his mom. He was never the same after. I have one older sister, a younger mentally handicapped sister and three brothers. We were all abused mentally and or physically. My dad was an alcoholic with a Dr. Jekyll/Mr. Hyde reaction to it. My mom worshipped him, he could do no wrong with us. She finally drew some lines but only with my youngest brother. Strangely he turned out to be one of the worst affected. My siblings all turned against me especially when I started trying to warn them about the #Phase2PoisonDart . Sure it is a generational thing, but it is more. There's a lot more to the story and it did turn very dark during the DIVOC period which we are not out of yet. I still have nightmares (a horrible one last night just before I saw your article here) about my dad even though he passed away in 2009.

I thank you so much for your personal account. Only in the past couple of years have I started to see the dark roots of this sorcery you describe that have affected my family. I always felt that I wanted to help my mom and dad get through the evil that I sensed plaguing them. My mom died in 2016. How it is going to end up for my siblings I really don't know. I pray daily for their conversion of heart and their salvation. Only one of them is even aware of the evil that is operating within them. This one is aware and feels empowered by Lucifer to propitiate it. About my mentally handicapped sister, I will only say that I was asked to be her guardian by both of my parents when alive and was so for more than 10 years until that was removed from me and taken over by my siblings during DIVOC. You have really caused me to make the Masonic connections in my own family history and I thank you so much for that. You write with personal experience, and not as just someone who has studied the subject. The Lord bless and protect you and the Spirit of Jesus continue His walk with you. Thank you dear one.

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My mother died in 2009. It was a pivotal point in my family. My father had passed many years earlier. My siblings began falling apart as did I.

Then, as you said, DIVOC hit and there was a parting of ways. I personal wheat and tares harvest. I love my family and it's been a thorn I have to remove in letting them go with love.

Your history is so similar. Isn't that amazing? How each person's story is incredibly individual and yet universal. God is like that. He works with me in such an intimate way, knowing every hair on my head. A way that is so particular to my soul and none other, yet He also works with each soul the same way and never varies in His ways. The same yesterday, today and tomorrow. What a miracle.

It is also a miracle your siblings have made it this far. There is always hope. I'm so sorry you lost your sister to such nonsense, but it's not nonsense is it? What we do moves worlds. Mountains.

I can't thank you enough for telling all of us your story. It takes courage as I am aware of myself and lest anyone mistakes bravery for courage, the difference is -

Bravery is charging into the fray without caution.

Courage is when you know the dangers, are all too aware of the dangers, and you do it anyway because it's the right thing to do.

The more we live in the lives we've been given, honestly and without shame, the more we honor God in telling the truth about this fallen world and how much, how desperately, we need Him. We are not going to save ourselves and we don't have to. Thank God Almighty.

Jesus is our only escape. All glory to God. Thank you, Jesus.

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Jul 3Liked by Pirate Studebaker

I mean 'perpetuate' not 'propitiate'. But now looking at the definition of 'propitiate', it could be that as well! "win or regain the favour of (a god, spirit, or person) by doing something that pleases them."

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Jul 3Liked by Pirate Studebaker

Thank you so much for sharing your complex history with family A T - it's SO important. Every story can help us make links we may not have seen before. What is DIVOC?

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Jul 3Liked by Pirate Studebaker

Pirate's essay is certainly what inspired me to share it.

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Jul 3Liked by Pirate Studebaker

Thank you Zoe for your comments!

DIVOC is a demon and if you spell it backwards it is COVID. "Their symbols will be their downfall" is what I heard. Yes you are so right, it is what we need, real stories from real people! 🙂

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Jul 7Liked by Pirate Studebaker

COVID, eh? Verrrry interesting🕵️‍♀️

This blog is quickly turning into a valuable source of information. If enough people share their stories here, who knows how many mysteries we can solve...

Heck, maybe we'll find out if Paul McCartney is really dead! LOL

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So funny you're bringing up Faul. eh...I mean Paul. Right...My brother is a chef and he worked for Sir Paul on a strange project Paul had going called GO VEGAN. It was intimately connected to PETA and that gang and a whole slew of strange characters. Oprah. The Austrian Embassy. The list goes on. My brother came to believe Paul is long gone and the guy we see now is a stand in and that it was common knowledge among a certain set. So many stories and strange connections...

So, maybe someone will come along and read this discussion and fill us in conclusively. Wonders do indeed never cease.

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Jul 7Liked by Pirate Studebaker

"Wonders never cease". Man, if that isn't the understatement of the year!

Thank you PS for asking about Sam today. Thank God he's alive and well which is a freaking miracle considering the number of times he has been physically, emotionally and financially disabled by various handlers over the years.

The lion's share of the abuse and financial sabotage was directly caused by my OWN FAMILY. Isn't that a kicker?

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Jul 3·edited Jul 3Liked by Pirate Studebaker

Damn! I knew I'd feel like an idiot when I found out - not using my brain I guess. I'm sure you wouldn't be surprised that when I googled DIVOC, one of the results was from USA Today "No, COVID spelled backwards is not a Hebrew word for 'possession by an evil spirit.' You can't make this shit up! Thank you for engaging - I didn't know about DIVOC and I will not fail to recognize it again and ponder how they gave fame and fortune to the demon by putting his name on the lips of all .... I never say that word anyway, always preferring to say CONvid ..... Another definition is: "Digital Infrastructure for Verifiable Open Credentialing." Again, how unsurprising.

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I knew this abuse stuff was coming but I am still completely horrified and flipped out by it. And I am so sorry and sad for it and that it happened to you. The only thing I can figure is that all along God had a plan for it that is now on it's way to being fulfilled. That seems the only logical way to see it, so the whole process has to be seen in that light. If we don't lose faith God always shows the way!

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That is the overarching theme I hope to build on. God has good and excellent purpose for even the worst kinds of evil people choose to perpetrate on one another.

Not that what I experienced is the worst. There is far worse, but this is what I can truthfully bring into the light.

Thank you for your compassion. That little girl needed it. So do many other boys and girls right now.

You are seeing my experiences as I hope they will be seen. As a process of bringing whatever evil and darkness into the light that we can. But first we have to be -

As wise as the serpents we seek to destroy by shining the light and revealing their true nature in its full form. A kind of dissection we look at unflinchingly to gain knowledge of the workings of the enemy.

Then we forgive them as we transcend their evil as the harmless dove. The Spirit of God.

Evil will never win. It can't. No matter how it lies or tries.

Thanks for sticking with me through these posts. I know it's tough. I appreciate it.

ALL things work to the glory of God.

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Jul 3Liked by Pirate Studebaker

May God bless you for sharing your story!

Every survivor story I read gives me a little more insight. Tbh, yours is more in line with my husband's experiences than any other MK Ultra testimony I've read to date.

I'm talking about a TON of testimonies! What I can't store on a Kindle app, I print . Trust me - by now I need an entire room to store the boxes of material I've collected so far.

A few examples:

Thanks to you I now understand the role of the German couple who used to babysit my husband from the time he was 2 years old.

Like yourself, he also has a photographic memory for events and PATTERNS , especially strings of CODE .

OMG... I've seen him parked in front of his computer screen for hours , barely glancing at it- while strings of computer code cascade down. Afterward, he can remember ALL OF IT and identify a particular pattern.

Unnatural endurance and physical strength from age 4 . He could figure out the lay of the land by mentally charting the position of the sun, stars and water flow . You described this ability as "astral projection", which is similar to remote viewing . My husband does not recall mentally flying over landscapes, but he does remember being a test subject for RV.

When we were first married, he bought that creepy Disney book you mentioned. Barf...

Thank you- please don't stop!

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I have a question - How is Sam as of now?

You are so loving to delve into the depths of all this for someone you love. My guess is so you can know and love him even more.

I do think "astral projection" and "remote viewing" are the same in many ways. I believe they experimented with both to see which one to focus on. Which one produced better results.

I'm so glad you're here, Siri. You give me a unique perspective I've never had before. What it's like to be in a close relationship with someone who was programmed. You are an eye-opener for me and have helped me in forming the articles.

So thank you.

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Jul 7Liked by Pirate Studebaker

It's been my pleasure, treasure.

Forcing myself to confront the horrors of mind control, seeing it in action, and having the guts to become a DIY de-programmer for my spouse was not the type of life I imagined for myself as a teen.

Ironically-one might think that I was a fan of horror movies or Steven King stories as a kid to not be side blinded emotionally by all this weirdness.

The truth is, I could never stomach violent or occult themed films like "Rosemary's Baby" or even sci-fi when I was growing up.

So it's still a mystery to me how I can keep my cool and listen to my spouse relate horrific incidents from his childhood while in a self induced trance.

While I'm on a roll, Sam shared several gruesome incidents he witnessed during his early childhood years in training at a Jesuit monastery near Florence Italy. Here is one:

Sam and the rest of his class were in a bus one spring day on their way to some lake for an outing. During the trip, Sam asked the adult in charge if he would stop the bus for a few minutes so he could pee. The adult said no. Not only that, but Sam was warned that if he wet his pants before they reached the lake ( another few hours away) he would be severely punished.

After awhile, nature took its' course and Sam's bladder emptied itself all over the seat. The bus screeched to a halt, and the children went silent. All eyes were fixed on my poor husband who was terrified to find out what would happen next.

Sam was moved to the front of the bus, and his head was put in some kind of vize so that he could only look forward. Then, the adult grabbed the arms of a girl who was about 12 at the time, and dragged her out of the bus. Suddenly, a jeep arrived from the opposite direction and two men jumped out holding long chains with handcuffs. The three men forced the girl to the ground, chained her arms to the rear axel of the jeep and her legs to the front of the bus. The man held Sam's eyes open so he could not avert his gaze as the jeep took off at top speed tearing the chained child to pieces.

When the horrific deed was done , Sam was told, "if it wasn't for you, this would not have happened".

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I dare say Rosemary's Baby or any Stephen King story PALE in comparison to what Sam experienced. You didn't need those mild renderings to prepare you for the work you were destined for. Your aversion for the little stories speaks volumes as to the preparation for what came to be for you.

I don't intend to annoy you with words like "destiny' or God. I do not believe in coincidences because I've proven time and again they do not exist. To my satisfaction. People need to believe in coincidence simply because it's easier. To accept this is all, every detail, part of a plan places each and every one of us center stage at all times and thus fully responsible for every choice we make coupled with the role we were born to play. Too much for most. Unfortunately for them since that's a lie. Enough caveat...

What Sam endured and the fact he is still alive and functioning is a testament to God and His providence in joining the two of you. That you have stuck with it and witnessed and aided and protected is also a testament to God's wisdom.

Have you ever thought you may have intended to be Sam's handler? And instead became his protector? There is a fine line between the two which is always the case between good and evil. There are many stories of this in the bible and in many cultures.

From what you've written, though I don't know you, I think the best of your choice to help Sam. I say that in part because I sense you understand it's aiding your spiritual growth as well and that indicates God's hand and His glory. Good profits all and is the good fruit spoken of that sustains all. Evil profits no one except itself and is the evil fruit that nourishes no one. Bringing only death.

I see a great story in your story, the story of Siri and Sam. Thank you for telling it. Not that I think anyone, especially a child, needs to be tortured as Sam was tortured or horrifically murdered as the girl was or all the other people involved in that horror, but God has given some of us these experiences in order to allow the world witness to its own evil. As they are true testimonies of the nature of evil and too many hide from this truth to their own demise. My people perish for lack of knowledge because they have no love of the TRUTH. They run and hide from it with a coward's heart. What people don't know is there is no "pleading the fifth" in eternity.

You have a courageous heart. Congratulations.

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