Jul 16Liked by Pirate Studebaker

slightly OT but a great read: '....It was called the “British Invasion”. The 60’s began a time of “question authority”, grow your hair long, hippies and flower power and morphed in with the Anti War gang of “hell no we won’t go!”. All by design, all by planning to mind control and manipulate what the Baby Boomer (Doomer) generation thought, the language and slang used and the behavior control of the masses. Yes, it is interesting to note that the Tavistock Institute of Human Relation, as well as it’s child organization: The Stanford Research Institute, developed The Grateful Dead....' - https://www.frot.co.nz/design/conspiracies/how-the-tavistock-institute-invented-rock-roll/

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No more OT than the world itself. That's my point.

Yes on all you cite. I hope to dive into that aspect as it parallels my own experiences of those times. Context, Baby...Thanks for the link. Useful.

Thanks for reading.

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Jul 16Liked by Pirate Studebaker

my pleasure. it's the inspiration that counts.

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Jul 2·edited Jul 2Liked by Pirate Studebaker

Great metaphor. Wishing you well despite the atrocities everywhere.

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Jul 2·edited Jul 2Author

Our little lights shine on. Thanks for reading and recommending this channel.

Hope you are well and rested from your trip.

Something strange - in my email inbox I got your comment meant for kitten's secret garden, not this one. Just a note of how bizarre substack is becoming.

People are calling these kinds of things, which are becoming very common, it a glitch in the matrix. Possibly.

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Jul 3Liked by Pirate Studebaker

Pirate, I love your metaphorical writings.

I must admit that I accidentally replied to your recent post and thought I was writing to Kitten's Secret Garden. Oops! Sometimes, I make my own glitch in the Matrix😬 and there's nothing I can do but "delete comment" or "edit comment"! I try to mitigate my errant action, but I guess I'm unintentionally adding to bizarreness of the Intel-net. I sincerely apologize if I caused you any harm.

Still, there ARE weird things happening on the 'Stack, and not all of them can be because of my momentarily ineptness!

I am just about to hit the hay on my first night in Central Daylight Time, and I'm hoping that I can make up my stolen two hours, haha.

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That's so funny! You made me laugh. There I was getting all conspiratorial and now you've straightened me out. HA!

You didn't cause me any harm at all, but thank you for thinking of it.

Sweet Dreams.

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Jul 1Liked by Pirate Studebaker

The first shocking image of disease looks a helluva lot like a nasty case of shingles. Dreadful stuff.

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Jul 1·edited Jul 1Author

That's what many cases of Morgellons have been misdiagnosed as - shingles. But when tested, it's proven not to be shingles or even related to it.

It's an entirely new man made monster.

And unlike shingles there is no medical treatment for it.

My point in showing this is to get people to stop denying what's happening. If people want to accept what they see and say, "So what. It's not happening to me." Well, there's little to be said in the face of cold heartedness other than, "It's not happening to you - YET.", but we need to stop lying to ourselves that it isn't real. That's dangerous.

Also, showing people how Morgellons and the vaxx injuries are the same thing. Which has already been proven in various experiments by various scientists who are sounding the alarms and being muted.

The same with all the atrocities. They are all the same thing. And will continue in the future to be the same, only ever larger in scope, if we don't grasp what is going down.

Not trying to scare anyone, though I imagine some will be scared at first, then hopefully sober up and stare back at the perps unflinchingly. Courage is our best defense. Standing our ground. These people can't keep their "game" running, like any other con game, unless the "mark" is unaware of the nature of the con. And considering what's happening in the world right now, it's not just money they're seeking to con, it's the the whole enchilada. They are trying to devour all life.

That's how seriously I see our situation to be.

Thank you for continuing to come back and read yet another article. That's the courage I speak of. God Bless.

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Jul 1Liked by Pirate Studebaker

yes they won the cosmic "boobey prize"ie this transitory world... sold their eternal soul...noack...got wacked for spilling the beans ... what about us that read and publish and comment on the beans ????? " on what menu are we on ??? ... therefore .... 13 Wherefore take unto you the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand. if the spiritual realm exists .... these highly intelligent astute elites are being decieved and lead to believe they are doing their gods " baal " work and will be rewarded in their next incarnation or go to paradise... this is what their priests tell bthem that its their duty to god to subjugate the half human beasts " and now due to the gene altered humans " vvaxxed" dont qualify as humans made in Good Gods image and likeness anymore they may do whatever they please with us vaxxed " no more human rights " just as we treat the animals , they may now treat us . they are lead to believe they can escape karma " as you sow so shall you reap " their evil mastermind intelligence "{ satan ] is orders of magnitude more evil intelligent than they " satan " the nature of is sado machocistic pshycopath who hates everything the good God created including himself and wishes the complete destruction of everything including life itself, non existance //.... we are instructed by the existance of goodness to pray for their salvation from evil ,,, praying and wishing them to return to goodness and truth, and everyone too... ps what good is owning the whole world " temporal" and loseing our eternal soul ??? its the worst dumbest idiotic imbisilic " deal " in all eternity and in the known and unknown universe

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I can't agree with you more. I hope everyone will get in the habit of putting on God's full armor everyday on waking.

I also agree with everything else you've written.

When the fullness of evil has reached its peak, God will show them REAL power.

And they will be like chaff in the wind.

Thank you for your comment. God Bless.

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Jun 30Liked by Pirate Studebaker

As you focus out and then prepare to focus in again - macro/micro - stunning in its scope. The way you're presenting the big picture with the small - it's powerful.

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In my experience, by understanding the "big picture" we can place our own circumstances in perspective and are not in danger of becoming victims. Or merely survivors. Of blaming others for our downfall. We are all players in the Strange Game and have the power to make our moves regardless of the position we play. Of course, the game is rigged, so I hope to show, by relinquishing the "play", denying and breaking free from the "piece" you've been given by the world and the game itself, you win.

There are many stories of child abuse and most times it seems isolated and sad and we read them, feel sorry for victim, and move on. Many times the victims become so lost in the abuse they perpetuate it thus becoming the very thing they loathe. Many others become lost in many other ways, drugs, materialism, etc. Some go on to serve their masters quite well and are rewarded by the world, but the rewards are nothing but garbage. They see this too late most times and become very bitter.

Like the Nine Inch Nails song lyric from HURT :

And you could have it all

My empire of dirt

That's the prize for excelling at The Game.

There is an excellent version of this song sung by Johnny Cash.

I see so many people hedging their bets and compromising to hold on to their little pieces of dirt and my heart breaks for them because the choices and sacrifices that are coming are going to be much harder. The little pieces of dirt , even those, will be taken and then they will come to the horror of what they sold their souls for.

I hope to shake it loose. At least it's my thoughts and experiences in writing so some others might benefit.

Thank you, Zoe. You are a GEM.

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I forgot something important - The children who are abused are necessary "game pieces". The Game can't be played without all the pieces.

As long as the Game is played, the body count rises. And will continue to rise.

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Aug 23Liked by Pirate Studebaker

Pirate… his testimony stuck in me for years. They killed him for telling. Same M.O.


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Yes. I watched Ronald Bernard's videos and was very saddened at his death.

Though his testimony lives on and God smiles.

Thank you for reading and for your comment. I really appreciate it. God Bless.

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Jul 1Liked by Pirate Studebaker

Devastatingly true. 🥲. The Kansas Song is nowhere near the 9 inch Nails song HURT. Just listening to Johnny Cash right now - I like that version better. An extremely depressing song - wow!

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Both songs are similar to me. They differ in that the Kansas song is urging other people to wake up and realize what they're giving themselves away to (though Kansas was very successful in the world, so...as they urge others to give "it" up, they themselves continue to profit...such is the world...). I love the Kansas song, regardless because it's true.

The Nine Inch Nails song is about a person who has lived and played the Game and found nothing but heroin or something to try to kill the pain of realizing they have done nothing but build an empire of dirt. Though the song is without hope for this person lost in their morass, we can see ourselves in the "sweetest friend" who has changed and has come back. My hope is the story of the song continues after the music finishes and the hopeless one takes the hand of the sweetest friend and leaves it all behind.

I agree - the Johnny Cash version is much better.

There is so much God is showing me now. Writing these articles is a fulfillment of a kind of contract I made with Him ten years ago to complete a task He gave me - tell my story. I ran from it, but I didn't have the sense to tell it right back then anyway, so, as usual, God's timing is perfect.

I want to write a book when the articles are completed, but we'll see. In a book I could go much deeper than the articles allow at this point.

I have learned not to plan too far ahead. God has His plan and it overrides mine every time. Ever since I gave my life to Him. Now it's His.

I don't regret a moment of it. Though I do pout sometimes.

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Jul 1·edited Jul 1Liked by Pirate Studebaker

So beautiful. I hear you about Kansas and the difference between the songs. I hope you do get to put this all in a book. But in a way, what's the difference - it's what you're doing now. At least these are the bare bones. I very much look forward to your posts. You're so full of wisdom, reach and heart. It would be a crying shame if you weren't able to share your stories. ox ❤️

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Well said. And thank you.

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Jul 1Liked by Pirate Studebaker

Holy cow - this was worth a whole Substack Pirate! Very, very, very well articulated and understood. I'll have to look up that song ... Sounds a bit like how I feel when I listen to "Dust in the Wind." The "...Now don't hang on ...Nothing lasts forever but the earth and sky .. it slips away .. And all your money won't another minute buy..." just strikes at the heart so fiercely - like the lyric you posted. Wow! Couldn't agree more with your very clear explanation/understanding.

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Thank you, Zoe. Your insights are so valuable to me. Grateful you're here giving them to me.

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Jul 1Liked by Pirate Studebaker

I feel honoured that you feel that way - thank you. ❤️

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