Jun 22Liked by Pirate Studebaker

Very deep. No doubt. I've just started reading you today (Part 1).

As an aside, I don't think your emails / new posts are coming to my inbox. Not a one?

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I have suspected as much. There are some increasingly strange things going on here on SS and elsewhere. I am going to blast SS into the light and keep writing.

Hence The Strange Game titles. This is part of The Strange Game.

Thank you so much for letting me know. As yet another strange thing - SS keeps posting stats on my writer's dashboard telling me I have hundreds of thousands of views of my posts. This isn't possible from my end as I only send the posts to the list of less than 200 subscribers here on SS and am not on social media. The point of these astronomical numbers has yet to be revealed. Though no doubt some kind of psyop. It's stupid, really.

If you would check and see if you've been unsubscribed unbeknownst to you that would be useful. Thanks, again.

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Jun 22Liked by Pirate Studebaker

A P.S.

I saw your comment to Unbekoming about his very unhealthy addiction to A.I.

Couldn't agree more. But, did he take your comment down?

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I deleted it. It felt hypocritical on reflection since I have used art that could very likely have been AI generated.

Not to the degree Unbekoming uses it by any means and I'm not soliciting AI to make art for me like Unbekoming, yet...

I do wish people would avoid AI art as much as possible. It's like AI writing or AI bots in comment sections, etc. Degrading.

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Jun 22·edited Jun 22Liked by Pirate Studebaker

"I do wish people would avoid AI art as much as possible. It's like AI writing or AI bots in comment sections, etc. Degrading."

Amen. Not just AI art, but AI in general. AI is going to be (already is) a disaster for us human beings.

I wish you wouldn't have deleted your comment on Unbekoming's SS but I do understand. You actually have a brain and a conscious. 👍

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I'll post another in the future with more clarity. Though it's already impossible to be a purist in any regard unless you unplug and move to the woods and even then,...

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Wow, skeletons in the family. That was an interesting era, for sure. I recently found out that my Norwegian grandmother (Dad's mother) was *not* born in Norway. She was born right in the northern Minnesota town where she raised a family. Her husband (my grandfather) was not the father of her first child. And more skeletons have fallen out of the family closet.

I like your unique way of telling your stories.💝

I think Cathy O'Brien might be a MTF tranny. I don't know for sure without seeing "her" knees and feet. But "her" shoulders look at least three head-widths broad, "her" hands definitely extend the full length of "her" face, and she has a huge trachea/Adam's apple. I saw a photo of "her" on the back of a motorcycle with Mark, and it seemed so obvious to me that "she" is a dude. Those thighs simply could not be possible on a biological female. But I'm open to being wrong!

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May 23Liked by Pirate Studebaker

Oh Dear. What a surreal, unreal image you leave in my head. Another profound trip into deeper and darker places few could ever imagine. I've had to read it several times. It would be so cool to meet IRL. I have no idea where you are, I'm in the American PNW.

Interesting parallels. I have a huge amount of Sweetgum and have been using it for various projects. Beautiful but ornery wood. You can see a few examples here:


I too have memories that go way back. I recall my mother bathing me in the kitchen sink, I clearly remember when my younger sister by three years was brought home from the hospital, even my pointing out that thing on her belly (the umbilical cord scab). I would relate details of things they thought would be impossible for me to remember. Oh no, I have the very real, in color, fully cognizant memories of being two years old. My wife doesn't remember anything before five, same with a lot of people. Hmmmmm....

I have more to say about this post later, as with the last one - good golly, so disturbing. I know it sounds silly, but I feel like I want to hug you for some reason. I feel a deepening sense of connection.

That will pass, right? Until the next shiny thing that comes along to distract me, right?

No. These images are imprints etched into my consciousness for all time.


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Shoot. I can't get in to your Sweet Gum page. It says it's private and wants a different email address from me than my regular one, so I don't know what to do. Advise me, Dave? I want to see.

I'm in Oklahoma. We are pretty far apart, but that would be great to IRL with you.

Isn't it interesting how some can remember from a very young age and others not until much later. I wonder what that means? I'm sure studies have been done. Yes, indeed-y. You know how they like to pick our brains to pieces.

HEY! Look over THERE! The next shiny thing! It's true. They are distracting us like Labradors in a yard with a million squirrels. Must be something mighty shocking they are trying to distract us from with all this "noise".

I don't mean to disturb. I'm trying to pull the curtain back on something that exists all too commonly in our culture. On the block where you and me and everybody lives. I want to help people to see it's been here all along. Kinda like realizing you're sitting on a log and there's a very poisonous snake right underneath.

Proceed with caution. But not fear. The snake can be outwitted, but first you have to see it's there so you are clear about what you're dealing with.

I wish I could hug you, too. That would be great.

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May 24Liked by Pirate Studebaker

I don't know why you can't see it, but I may need your help solving this as I'm mucking around with setting up paid options for my pages, I hope I didn't screw it all up! Stay tuned, but it is too late tonight. I have to turn in, but if you are able to reply here, the link I sent is probably bad.

I'll work on it tomorrow. Gotta run. Nite now! 💗

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It sounds like you have come to the same cynical conclusion about Cathy O'Brian as I did after really examining her story back in 2016. I even came up with the phrase Controlled, Controlled Opposition to describe her possible, particular situation. I bet she is still the same wind up toy she was before her "escape" back in the eighties or possibly even a complete actor and fraud. I find little about her story that actually rings true. When she talks about this stuff in public, especially, it's all just "off" for me. I don't find her convincing or believable.

Fascinating stuff Pirate! Looking forward to the future installments.

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Though I can't prove it, I know Cathy is a fraud or a puppet or worse (for her). As I read Brice's story and her book isn't well written, she wrote it herself and doesn't claim to be a writer, I was amazed at how it confirmed for me what I had suspected was true about Cathy O'Brien. Cathy has basically co-opted Brice's story with very significant omissions. This serves to obfuscate the truth and compel people to be confused and follow a lie. Imagine the lengths gone to. There truly is NO rest for the wicked. I suppose this is one reason why Paul said pray unceasingly. The enemy never rests.

I will say in regards to the veracity of Cathy's story, there are so many things in her story that simply don't ring with human truth. Mistakes. Especially in details. Brings new meaning to "The devil's in the details." That's where he's most easily seen.

I feel sorry for Cathy. She is trotted out like a show pony in a circus and has to say the most degrading things as she lies. Brice on the other hand seems to have gone on to have a peaceful life. I don't know that for sure, but I pray it's so.

Thanks again for your interest and your thoughts. Both mean a lot to me.. This is becoming easier to to write so hopefully the pace of articles will increase. I keep feeling like we are running out of time though it may just be me who's running out. idk. It doesn't matter. I just pray for the stamina to keep going.

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It's fairly predictable that these people would want to produce a counterfeit version of Brice's narrative that they control. It's what they do with all the countless narratives they gatekeep. This is true of all narratives whether true, false or something in between. Gatekeeping thousands of narratives is, I think, largely what all the intelligence agencies exist to do with all the $$$$$ they can get their filthy hands on. I bet it accounts for the lion's share of the actual Pentagon budget and why they are forever "not knowing" where countless billions of dollars have gone.

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I know you're right. Covering up the TRUTH is their number one objective so it's bound to be where all the money goes. Put your money where your mouth is. Lying when your lips move. Their hands, their entire being is filthy. As it says in Revelation, "let him who is filthy be filthy still." Because they will.

You have nailed it. Thank you.

That's been my trepidation. I'm telling the truth to the best of my ability. The first time they tried to get me to kill myself. The last time I tried, they infected me with Morgellons, they infected many people for many reasons, but it's been so devastating I have hesitated. No more. I take heart they haven't been able to kill me by God's grace. There must be something to this.

The Gatekeepers are vile degraded souls on every level. I hope they change.

If they are reading any of this or Et's articles or any other truth tellers, I implore you to change before it's too late. Because you will run out of time no matter what.

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Another big thing they need to wake up to is they are just being used as a means to an end by this system. When the clock runs out on the need for what they are doing they become an actual liability for the people at the very top. Liabilities are almost always eliminated. My read is that they are about to move past the need for what vast swaths of these people are currently engaged in. Will they really have any need for the kinds of low life that have been quietly harassing me off and on for 20 years when 10's of millions of these so called "immigrants" become activated and pick up their automatic weapons that have been stored at the post offices since Obama? How long will the entire entertainment industry and all of its dark secrets be kept around during a conflict and "population reduction" like what's being planned?

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I totally forgot to note the millions of "immigrants", the automated weapons at the post office. Thanks, Obama.

I wish I could sit on a porch somewhere and talk with you for hours about this. I got hired by the Post Office once and it was an entirely bizarre experience. I didn't see any weapons, but, man, those people are up to some major funny business.

And, yeah, many of the people that have been indoctrinated and ritualized and carrying the weight of these agendas in entertainment will likely have to go. Like some before them. The list is long.

We are hitting some strange days.

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May 24·edited May 24Author

As the time nears for them to reveal themselves, I think the thing they fear the most is losing control of that reveal. It has to be done at precisely the right time which is a difficult feat.

I think that's why they show their butts and risk exposure in murdering various individuals that threaten an early reveal. Like Jeffrey Epstein. Removed. Whether still alive or not, he be gone, baby. No more world stage power mongering for him.

I think you are 100% correct that any of the minions that are still plowing away will be eliminated so as not to blow their cover. The low life jerks (I've known some...) who are doing their evil little dance for a dollar and a donut will be ground into dog food. But also those who think they are higher up and delude themselves they are more "valuable" so won't be dealt the same hand. Delusion. Dog food.

What about Satan's goal to steal, kill and destroy do people NOT understand? They think they will be the special pets or something?

Like people in my family. Like people throughout the history of mankind. Like the Nuremberg Trials. A joke. Like the billions who took the poisonous injection thinking, "I'll be the lucky one. It won't hurt ME." Which means they are hoping it will be someone else who is hurt or murdered. Gross.

I sat next to a man on an airplane in the 80s who worked for the DOJ. He was investigating institutions and people in the Savings and Loan scandal that was rocking the country at that time. He told me the hardest and most heartbreaking part of his job was indicting the little fish who had to take the fall for the big fish who all got away with financially raping the country. Of course, he was part of the evil as well and couldn't see it. Just another puppet committing puppet murder on other puppets. A grotesque pantomime. Using actual human beings as willing puppets. Ughhhhh....

Everyday people do this crap as well. Just on a more limited stage. Like Community Theater vs. Broadway. People think if they work for corrupt organizations and companies who are raping and pillaging, but don't actually rape and pillage themselves, just facilitate and keep the ball of the carnage rolling, they aren't to blame. It's ridiculous. We are all to blame if we play this evil game. Even if only a lowly voluntary pawn.

Because God doesn't see a single one of us as pawns or kings or anything else of humanly constructed hierarchy. HE HAS NO REGARD FOR PERSONS. He told us this. We are so dumb not to listen. Every single one of us will have to answer to Him. Not just Fauci, etc. That's how much God loves each and every soul. Enough to respect our choices as equally important. Be they good or evil.

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May 23Liked by Pirate Studebaker

And here you are, re-collecting for the good of humanity. Lots of VERY valuable information in here and your writing style is superb.

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Thank you so much, Zoe. Your encouragement means so much to me.

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May 24Liked by Pirate Studebaker

It's lovely to hear Pirate because what you're doing means a lot to me. Truth revealing = healing for both the revealer and the witness(es). Even if we can't be right there with you in person, we absolutely are in spirit.

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*Big Bursting Heart*. Thank you, Zoe.

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May 24Liked by Pirate Studebaker


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May 23Liked by Pirate Studebaker

I second that. Thanks for putting it into words.

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Thank you. Lils!

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May 23Liked by Pirate Studebaker

How very kind, thank you.

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May 23Liked by Pirate Studebaker


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May 23Liked by Pirate Studebaker

Your story sounds like it's out of a William Faulkner novel - not that I think I've even read one.

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Yes. Southern Gothic in living color.

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RemovedMay 23Liked by Pirate Studebaker
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Thank you, Joey! So good to hear from you. I know you have a lot on your your plate, so whenever you have time. I am praying for you and Grace.

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