Jun 18Liked by Pirate Studebaker

This seems to be alien, " otherish" world balancing between reality and dimensions . Walmart is never on my itinerary it gives me the same psychic feeling as casinos.

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I have to write this down. Your comparison between the the psychic energy of Walmart and casinos has stuck with me.

My family being connected to both is significant somehow and my mind is processing. My initial thoughts are the lifeblood of people and their dreams are being siphoned off vampirically in both venues.

Walmart through offering a dizzying array of cheap goods one dreams will change one's life for the better. Casinos through the same mechanism with the promise of the possibility of "hitting it big" monetarily and improving one's life.

Of course both are nothing more than smoke and mirrors. LIES.

The truth is both enterprises drain people of the resources/money they trade their lives for.

I venture that vampiric activity is what sets off your psychic "spidey" senses as it does mine and others.

Thank you so much for bringing this up. It is all interrelated. Somehow, I keep feeling if we can see how to destroy their web, their connections to one another, they will starve.

I also keep thinking this is how we will beat the nanotech also. By severing connections.

This is also what God recommends to us when He tells us to pray to Jesus not only for protections, yes, but also to defeat the enemy by severing the connection through the power of Christ. God Bless.

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Jun 18·edited Jun 18Author

Agreed. Walmart is a freak show of energy. Ditto casinos. I'm not talking about the people necessarily, though both places make people act bizarrely.

Otherworldly. Yes. Thanks, Jean.

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Jun 18Liked by Pirate Studebaker

My like does not work and I am not certain I can truthfully say I like this experience; but it is right that I walk along by your side. Life is a most interesting journey and destination.

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Jun 18·edited Jun 18Author

I understand. This is not a likable experience I'm relating. Though it is reality and it's time to state it so it can be known and understood. I can't say I'm enjoying it either.

Though I feel queasy, downright flu-ish when I finish writing one of these articles, after a few days, a cleansing, a freedom comes. Like a after a terrible storm. A necessary cleansing of rot and infirmity for the health of everything.

My people perish for lack of knowledge. True.

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Jun 16Liked by Pirate Studebaker

Praying for you. Psalm 27:1

The Lord is my light and salvation: whom shall I fear? The Lord is the strength of my life; of whom shall I be afraid?

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I need your prayers, Jaye. AND this scripture. The things I'm afraid of at the moment are that my innocent animals don't come to harm, that my mind doesn't disassociate and keep me from being clear and connected (which it already has a couple of times, but I caught it. Yah!) and that I'm given enough time to complete this w/o rushing it and shortcutting. It needs to be thorough.

If you will pray for my mind to be clear and my animals to be safe, I would so appreciate it.

Of course, any and all of your prayers are appreciated. God Bless.

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Jun 16Liked by Pirate Studebaker

I'm doing some healing and prayer for you now. Will respond privately w discernments.

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Thank you. Believe it not, I have to go to Walmart now. Life is so FUNNY!

I can feel it.

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Jun 16Liked by Pirate Studebaker

U released much!

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Yes. I'm wiped out. But calm and relieved. Thank you. Tension began releasing in Walmart. ha...

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Sam Walton's entry in Wicked-pedos is a mass of contradictions from one sentence to the next which you often find with these people when they are trying to hide the elite connections of the family. They are telling you he was so poor he had to work for meals at a restaurant in college at the same time he was joining a fraternity and being inducted into an elite "secret society" on campus. The family were "poor farmers" yet were somehow in the mortgage business during the depression. Also very telling is that he went straight into military intelligence when he was drafted during WW2. Any connection to military intelligence is always a huge red flag in anyone's biography that they are from the "families". Did your grandmother ever explain how she became "friends" with Sam Walton?

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Jun 16Liked by Pirate Studebaker

The chair of psy Dept at U of MN was army intelligence. It is in his autobiography. My hackles rose when I read it. He bragged about bringing BF Skinner to the U. He was my dad's handler.

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Jun 16·edited Jun 16Author

She told me she used to buy factory seconds at his store and he became interested in her and her story and would bring things to her children. She was so poor and naive she was flattered by the attention from what I gathered, being abandoned by her own husband for long periods, and she needed all the help she could get just to cloth and feed everyone.

I have speculated my grandfather condoned everything, perhaps instigated it. He knew a lot of people.

She alluded Sam helped with medical bills and was especially attentive to her children.

He groomed her like any groomer grooms poor mothers with children they want access to. What may have constituted the nature of Sam's "attentions" to the children, I don't know as my father would never speak of his childhood except in the vaguest of ways. There are some indicators of what may have occurred to my father as a child that manifested in his behavior as an adult.

Someone was paying for the clothes and photographs, etc., of my father and it wasn't my grandmother. My grandmother was very proud of those photos and what a "little prince" my father looked like in them and she would show them to me when I was a child.

She considered Sam Walton a great friend.

I've read that kind of conflicting biographical accounts of these kinds of people before. I think it's part of confusing everyone as to who they really are, as you said.

The same is true in my family. I've searched various places and can find little evidence they even existed. The same is true for me. I'll go into that later.

Thank you so much for your interest. It means a lot to me. God Bless.

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Thanks for clarifying. Now I understand what you were originally alluding to in the first write up. He was after her kids............unbelievable!

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I think that may be the case. It doesn't point to anything other than Sam was after the kids. I'll try to elaborate in future posts though I don't have solid proof and am trying to be honest in what I actually know is true. I know I'm being elliptical in some of what I'm saying. Thanks for pointing me in the direction of clarity. I can see I need to be clearer. This has been hard and I'm just getting going, but at least I'm going. I know I'll become more fluid.

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The resemblance between Sam and Hugh is quite striking indeed. It would be interesting to do some digging into the published genealogy of these two to see if there are any clues. Often the genealogies of people like this are intentionally, partially obscured or fudged to make it difficult to make connections.

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Yes. They don't want the connections made. The fabricated life is the one they want projected. I find it very strange two men who were about the same age and look so much alike rose to such power and wealth and even greater societal impact at the same time with the same sort of "humble beginnings" stories.

And, of course, Sam Walton rose to power in Arkansas. The seat of Freemasonry.

I've wondered if this is why Bill Gates has bought virtually the entire state of Arkansas. More land in Arkansas than any other state he purchased in, by far. There is something there and it's not because it's particularly good farmland. Because it's not. Too rocky and hilly, etc. Yet has one of the largest diamond fields in the world. It's strange. Also the name - Ark - Kansas. There is a prophecy a "Tribulation Safe Ark" area is in Arkansas. Kansas meaning the "South Wind People" or "Wind People" and, of course, famously the setting for -


It seems more likely to me there are genealogical connections between Sam and Hugh than not.

Man, I hope I can make all these connections in my posts. I keep feeling like my time is running out and I have to hurry up.

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I didn't know Arkansas was ground zero for Bill Gates land speculation. Very interesting.......

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Last I checked which was probably around a year ago, he had purchased 280,000 acres across the US. Almost 50,000 in Arkansas surpassed by Louisiana at 70,000, so I am wrong about Arkansas being the highest. Though I think Arkansas is a higher percentage of the state than LA. Sorry about that. Corrected.

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Jun 15Liked by Pirate Studebaker

Those pics of Walmart dood and Playboy/rapist made me want to take a shower - those two are filthy, greasy pigs (no offence to pigs). Is the Prom King/Queen an actual picture of your mom/dad?

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I know. If people look at those two and can't see it in their smirking faces how corrupt the world is and how success in this world is corrupting to everyone, then I have no further words.

Of course I realize we all have to be IN the world but we do NOT have to be OF it.

Isn't it strange how much alike they look? IDK what that is for sure, but I have some ideas to be explored in future posts.

The photo is not of my actual parents. But strangely the number "57" on the boy's jersey and some other things are very similar. That's kind of my point. How interrelated all this is.

I'm not using identifying information about my family because I need to skirt the edges of that in order to get these articles written and the series completed. In a way, I'm sidestepping the "do not tell" rule, though just barely. Everything is true but not attributable to any individual that can be identified, if that makes sense. Anyway, it's my strategy for now. I think they may lay off me. Strangely they have to play by the rules of the game as well. One reason it's such a Strange Game.

Thank you so much. Zoe, for your interest. God Bless.

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Jun 16Liked by Pirate Studebaker

Ah gal, I just love you so much. Thank you for the explanations - they make perfect sense and I understand. I agree that the similarity in those two evil faces is no "coincidence" as I don't believe in any such thing. Looking forward to your "ideas to be explored in future posts." In fact I look forward to any and all of your posts. God Bless to you as well. ❤️

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I pray I have the presence of mind to make the connections. Always feel free to ask me any and all questions. Answering them helps us both.

There are no coincidences. Love back at you, My Girl!

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Jun 16Liked by Pirate Studebaker


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Jun 15Liked by Pirate Studebaker

Oh. My. God. it was at the exact same time you posted this, I wrote a comment on post #3. Crazy, now to read this, but whew!

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So FUNNY! Love it.

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