May 27Liked by Pirate Studebaker

Just breathtaking in its scope, depth and purpose. Much Love to you Pirate for your intelligence,

courage and heart. ❤️

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Sorry, I couldn't like your comment until now. Something's up w/ substack.

Thank you, Zoe. Very much.

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May 29Liked by Pirate Studebaker

That's been happening off and on with a lot of people - don't know if it's just glitches or what.

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Wowee! What a fascinatingly contorted tale! It must be gratifying to see the truth finally flying free in this way. Your immense compassion for the plight of your mother shines through even though I have a pretty good idea she was eventually responsible for carrying many of these atrocities forward in your family. What your doing here is a really good thing. As they say, the truth is like a lion, set it free and it will defend itself.

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I'm so glad you can see how much I loved her and you're right, she did carry the abuse she experienced forward to her own children. That will be clear as the story unfolds.

My father did the same and I loved him, too.

I hope people can see how the crimes of any family, of the world, are carried forward unless we face them. Unless we set that lion free. Of course,the lion of truth is a powerful, fearsome thing and many are so afraid of it they want to pull it's teeth and keep it in a cage.

What people fail to see, as did I for many years, is the lion is your lionheart. Which has the potential to devour or ennoble. That's up to you and how you choose to deal with it. The truth will tell you not just who they were, but who you are. The truth doesn't end in blame placed solely on the other, but on yourself as well. If you tell the whole truth it will serve it's portions justly. That's the key to the freedom it offers.

Why repentance is necessary once we see who we really are. And Jesus' forgiveness is paramount. And without humility none of this is possible and we are trapped forever in a cage of lies and hypocrisy.

Why both the devil and Jesus are portrayed as lions.

Cowardice is caging the lion in fear of yourself. Why cowards are first on the list to be thrown in the lake of fire. Before murderers or anyone else.

I can't thank you enough, Et, for provoking my thoughts with your own. My responses to your comments are meant for me as much as anyone else. Perhaps moreso.

God Bless.

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What you're doing here is selfless, brave and completely amazing! It's a blessing for me to bear witness to it Pirate. So may God and Christ pour out their blessings on both you and this work!

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*Tears of Joy* Thank you.

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May 26Liked by Pirate Studebaker

These forms of abuse are ubiquitous. My grandmother told me that when a person knew how to raise children, they were grandparents. She carefully planted seeds for healing and knowledge.

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What you've said is exactly my point in telling of my own past. Abuse is inherent in the darkness we shroud our pasts in and how dysfunction becomes our true inheritance. Handed down generation to generation. Be that in a microcosm of a single family or in worldwide events.

Until we shed light in every dark corner we will avoid responsibility and perpetrate the sins of our fathers and mothers.

I agree with your grandmother. Without the vital, healthy influence and wisdom of our elders, we are left adrift. They are the culmination of our histories in real time.

I think this is one reason extended families have been obliterated and young people are taught age and old people are useless. The truth is far from it.

And that's the truth of why the old are being exterminated now. Without the anchor of the past as embodied by the elders, the young are tossed to and fro in chaos and very easily captured.

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May 26Liked by Pirate Studebaker

I am enjoying our interlude together. Thank you.

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I do not look to the past - I cannot change it. I look to the present with a picture in mind of the better We can co-create. And do My humble part:

Blueprint for a Society of Ethical Sovereigns (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/blueprint-for-a-society-of-ethical

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But you can change the effects of the past in the present by looking at it and understanding it.

Nothing exists in a vacuum. The tree grew from the nut that fell from another tree that lived in the past. It didn't just appear on the scene fully formed. To believe it did is infantile.

If you find the past useless that's your prerogative.

If all you want to do is promote your article, humility is a word you need to avoid attributing to yourself. If you're interested in truth, that is.

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While I agree that One can learn from the past, that is not the same as changing it. It's useless to try and CHANGE it. And if You think there is an issue with Me offering My article to try to show where Humanity could go in the future as some kind of promotion... I won't bother trying to offer You anything else. I am disabled and typing hurts; not interested in typing things over and over.

Love always. Do have a lovely life!

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The article I wrote says nothing of changing the past. It is examining the past. If you don't understand the difference, that's okay. Don't hurt yourself over it.

I've read your article. It has some validity, but if you fancy yourself a messiah who has the answers for all of humanity there have been many men and women who have come before you and will come after who thought the same. It's not unique. That's what the past can tell you. About your own present and future.

There is only one Messiah I follow. Jesus Christ.

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Look, I just mentioned that I don't look to the past. I learn from it, but I don't go all maudlin about it. My point is that I work for the future Now.

And are You gaslighting Me? Seriously, I never said I was anything but one Human with a number of things that came together and I share it all in the hopes that We will join in aggregate and co-create better. It is not about Me, never has been, and has always been about the work. That is what is important. How You came up with this "messiah" line, I have no clue.

I was raised without religion - lots of love and Ethics, but no religion. I have studied MANY religions in My 67 years, finding gems of truth in mountains of dogma in them all.

And I do not care what Your religion is, what You think, or what Your favorite things are. I care whether You choose Your behavior Ethically.

At this point I will request that You make no further discourse with Me, and I will unsubscribe. I don't need gaslighters.

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May 26·edited May 28Liked by Pirate Studebaker

Again, this is fascinating.

Family history.

I am the keeper of the "family secret history" which my extended clan members would sooner not know, and which my immediate family members desperately wish I'd just forget.

I "threaten" my dear old mother with writing a tell-all book, in 2 languages to cover all my familial bases, self publish it, and send it to all my remaining family members. Near and far.

Lest they ALL feign "forgetfulness" or languish in their ignorance forever.

I probably won't do it though.

YOU go girl. Beat that drum.

Lest "they" forget who you really ARE.

A survivor.


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It is so important not to forget. The history of anything, family or country or world. It tells us how we became who we are and why we think and feel and do the things we do.

I don't believe we are slaves to our histories, we can break free of them, but if we don't know what we are chained to how can we know what to free ourselves from?

I think this is why many families don't want their story told because if the story is told, it becomes clear members of the family that are labelled "mentally unstable" aren't unstable in the least, just naturally responding to the environment they were "nurtured" in as they grew.

That's one reason why the bible is a useful book. It's a history book. It tells us how we got here and gives us a pretty clear idea of where we're going consequently.

If you do write your book send me a copy, okay?

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For sure. ❤️

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May 26Liked by Pirate Studebaker

What an incredible tale. As they say ... stranger than fiction.

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This is the kind of truth you almost never get to hear because of how carefully guarded things are in these families. The nitty gritty of all this rarely if ever gets out. What she is doing here is absolutely amazing and incredibly brave.

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I forgot to say - carefully guarded and left untold at least partially out of fear. They will make you believe they will kill you. The Freemason oaths of silence under penalties of tortuous death are not taken lightly. People may think these things are a joke, but they aren't.

Thus the carefully curated and expensive facades of silly old harmless men in little cars in parades and charitable children's hospitals, etc.

Why "good works" as the Masons and many others claim to perform mean nothing to God. "Good works" can easily be used to hide evil and deceive many.

Why I'm still here is known only to God.

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Thank you for your level of understanding, Et.

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Yes, I thought so myself as I was writing it. I've always known all these things, but never written them out like this. It left me with many mixed emotions.

Thanks for you comments, Petra.

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May 26Liked by Pirate Studebaker

Looking forward to the next part.

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